Content Removal/Takedown Request Policy
At StateTeens, we are committed to respecting the rights of others and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. If you believe that any content on our website is illegal or otherwise violates our standards, we encourage you to report it to us.
Reporting Content
To report content that you believe is illegal or violates our standards, please use one of the following methods:
- Email us directly at: [email protected]
- Use the CCBill complaints page: Complaints/Take Down Request
Please provide detailed information about the content in question, including URLs, descriptions, and any other relevant information that will help us identify and locate the content.
Review and Resolution
We acknowledge that all reported complaints will be reviewed and resolved within seven (7) business days from the date of receipt. Our process includes:
- Confirmation of receipt of your complaint.
- A thorough review of the reported content.
- Determination of whether the content violates any laws or our standards.
- Taking appropriate action, which may include removal of the content.
Appeals Process
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of our review, you may appeal the decision by contacting us at [email protected] within seven (7) days of receiving our decision. Please include any additional information or evidence to support your appeal.
We will review your appeal and provide a final decision within seven (7) business days.
Potential Outcomes
The potential outcomes of our investigation may include:
- Removal of the content from our website.
- Restricting access to the content.
- No action if the content is found to be compliant with laws and our standards.
- Notifying relevant authorities if the content involves illegal activities.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.:
Email: [email protected]
Updates to This Policy
We may update this Content Removal/Takedown Request Policy from time to time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this website.